Nestlé cho trẻ vui khỏe hơn (Nestlé for Healthier Kids) is a program implemented by Nestlé Group globally. The program aims to help parents, caregivers and teachers build and develop good habits for children aged 3-12. For children to develop comprehensively both physically and mentally, Nestlé offers a game to help convey the message that children are active regularly and balance a healthy lifestyle menu every day.

The game we have built has brought joy and enjoyment to children. Children will jump on wooden platforms to control the 3D characters in the game.

In the first screen, the children will choose their favorite 3D character.

The game screen the 3D character will run on the road, the player will have to run continuously on a wooden pedestal. If the child stops the character in the game will also stop running.

Players jump to the wooden platform on the left to navigate the game character left and vice versa.
